
Drug Free Sport NZ releases online education course for all club level sports people

Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ) has launched Clean Sport 101, its newest online education programme. Clean Sport 101 was developed in collaboration with the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) and the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). As a Board member of DFSNZ since 2015, I encourage all club level sports people to “take the 101” and learn how the sports anti-doping rules apply to you. Chief Executive Nick Paterson says “With Clean Sport 101 we now have online anti-doping…

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New Zealand Rugby Players’ Association releases educational tool for players their families and their support networks

It is fantastic to see these kinds of initiatives from the Players’ Association. EXPAND is a digital magazine which is designed to provide resources for players as they think about their professional rugby career progressing from playing in New Zealand, potentially to moving overseas and, ultimately, as they move beyond their playing days into their next career and beyond. In my work I am always encouraging both my own clients and anyone who seeks my guidance to consider these matters…

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Sir Bill re-appointed as Chair of World Rugby – Governance Review now critical

I am delighted to see Sir Bill’s re-election. Sir Bill gave a pre-election promise (see footnote) of appointment of a “two person independent” review team to review suitable governance arrangements for WR for the future. Sir Bill will no doubt be looking to bring the global community together and statements to this effect, attributed to him, were well thought out. That a “bone deep” re-think of how rugby union is best re-framed intellectually, and re-structured physically, across the globe for…

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Covid19 – Drug testing concerns

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, concerns have been raised both in NZ and internationally over the ability of anti-doping agencies like WADA and USADA, to operate effectively. Lockdown has effectively stopped drug testing in most of the world. But in the ongoing battle to combat drug cheats, does this represent a threat or an opportunity? Well maybe both, but there are interesting developments in the US with a trial under way for athletes to self-test using test kits sent…

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