Frequently Asked Questions
We are often approached to answer questions about what we do and how we go about it. The following questions and our replies cover many of the most common ones and we hope will give you some useful background.
Q: How do you approach giving advice to people aspiring to elite levels of sporting achievement?
A: Often pressures and challenges come early in life for these young men and women. Sometimes the best advice can be to remain patient in the pursuit of dreams and goals. Our knowledge and experience can really help ensure things remain balanced between short term opportunities and decisions which will maximise long term involvement in the sport concerned.
Q: Tim in a recent interview you were asked by NZ Rugby World to describe your approach to acting as a player/agent. Is it just about securing the best commercial deal?
A: The “agent” responsibility I regard as part of the management role, not the other way around. Finding and negotiating contracts for players is part of the broad management responsibility.
I encourage the development of strong support relationships within the game and a range of outside support and advisory connections and services.
Q: Who are some of the players you have represented?
A: Some of the better known players are mentioned on the Manager/Agent page. I have so many fond memories of times with all of these and other clients.
Q: Tim, you must be a busy man wearing your various professional hats. How do you manage the workload and how can young sports players and athletes and their parents and mentors get to talk with you?
A: Yes sometimes workloads can create pressures but I handle priorities all the time. I know my clients consider me highly approachable and willing to listen to anyone who is seeking guidance.
Q: Some young sports people and their parents might be interested in touching base with you Tim. Is there anything you can tell them here which will ease any concerns they have about how you approach an engagement and remuneration for your services?
A: Hopefully its clear that TC Sports Management considers each approach discretely and with empathy to the people involved. Often it can be clear that the best advice is to be patient and not jump at the first available professional contract. Both Tom and I are happy to have an initial no obligation discussion to see whether our involvement would be appropriate. If that’s the case we will also give indications or estimates of our likely fees.