Our Beloved Rangatira, Big E : farewell Eugene Topine – a message for the people of Ngati Haua from Timoti Wharenui as Iwi Lead Treaty Settlement Negotiator
E te tuatahi: Kua riro te manukura, kua hinga te totara
Tena koutou katoa
Ka nui nga mihi ki a koutou
I tenei wa ka hoki nga mahara ki to tatou nei a Rangatira Eugene
Ahakoa kei tua I te aria tana tinana
Kei konei tonu tona wairua, hei whakapakari ai a tatou mahi
No reira e Eugene moe mai ra
E te tuarua: Panui mo te mate o Eugene
This is a beautiful karakia and tribute to our Rangatira and I am so grateful to those who wrote it.
I have had the great honour and privilege of working with Eugene for several years now; I miss him now and will forever.
E te tuatoru: Lockdown.
In these anxious days and weeks of lockdown I share with all our people of Ngati Haua and our whanaunga all my understanding and empathy for all that you are enduring during these extraordinary times of the COVID-19 crisis. I am sending my aroha and awhi to our kuia and kaumatua as also to our tamariki and rangatahi: no-one is being spared these uncertain and worrying times.
We stand together and are stronger so long as we can support each other through the frustrations, the worries, the loneliness, the fatigue, the hunger, the cold, and some of us with inadequate shelter. Some of our people are distanced from health and social services. I know our key people in Ngati Haua are trying to reach out to everyone to provide support and comfort; and monitor our borders to keep our rohe COVID-19 free. Please rest assured all your Ngati Haua Treaty Settlement Negotiations team continue our strongest advocacy from our home / essential services bubbles to secure Crown remedies for the devastating losses suffered by the people of Ngati Haua from Crown breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi. It is an honour for me to undertake this mahi for you.
No reira; kia piki te ora.
Nga mihi.